Jason and Jeni will always be fat kids at heart, and share their love of food, treats and snacks with the world (as long as they get the first bite). Jason’s sweet tooth gets the best of him, while the salty snacks make Jeni’s mouth water. Together, they created Snack Gator and are excited to have you join “The Swamp!”
Jason hides Snickers in a shoe box under his bed. But he won’t admit to it. Jeni will strategically steal french fries from your plate, and feels no guilt.
Here at Snack Gator, you’ll find reviews of the latest snack products on the market, see what’s been spotted on shelves at your favorite stores, get current news of exciting new products coming soon and much more!
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JENI – When I’m not stuffing my face with salty treats made of pure carbohydrates, I’m working out and trying to sweat out the excessive calories I ate. I live in Dallas, Texas and absolutely love it. This is the state that fries everything, serves 2 pound chicken fried steak dinners with at least 2 sides that are beautiful, tan and delicious. I eat tacos with ketchup, consider wine and popcorn a meal, put bacon on everything and will slap a fool if he asks for a bite of my beef jerky.
JASON – I steal my nieces’ Halloween candy and laugh about it, put whipped cream on vegetables, don’t trust food that isn’t in a package, and worship ice cream. Chips are my favorite snack and might just end up being my downfall. I would marry Flamin’ Hot Cheetos if it was legal (and not weird). Born and raised near Detroit, I grew up eating delicious coney dogs, unique pizzas, and of course — all the best snacks.