Fast Food TailGATOR

Krispy Kreme Introduces Limited Edition Butterfinger Donuts

Chocolate + Peanut Butter = BFFs 4ever.⁣
Lucky for us, Krispy Kreme and Butterfinger have joined their super power forces to create TWO brand new (and pretty extreme) doughnuts. ⁣

Prepare yourself to be a drooling mess:⁣
The Butterfinger Original Filled Doughnut is their classic glazed doughnut, filled with peanut butter chocolate creme (OMG!) and dipped in Butterfinger icing, then topped with Butterfinger pieces and chocolate drizzle.⁣

The Butterfinger Fudge Cake Doughnut is a chocolate cake doughnut dipped in chocolate icing, then topped with that peanut butter chocolate creme and Butterfinger pieces.⁣

Before you ask – no, these aren’t as good as they sound. They are WAAAAAY better than you would ever expect! It’s the perfect balance of sweet + salty and chocolate + peanut butter in a deliciously doughy treat. These are only available at select Krispy Kreme locations for a limited time. ??

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About the author


When I'm not stuffing my face with salty treats made of pure carbohydrates, I'm working out and trying to sweat out the excessive calories I ate.  I live in Dallas, Texas and absolutely love it.  This is the state that fries everything, serves 2 pound chicken fried steak dinners with at least 2 sides that are beautiful, tan and delicious. I eat tacos with ketchup, consider wine and popcorn a meal, put bacon on everything and will slap a fool if he asks for a bite of my beef jerky.

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