Coming Soon InvestiGATOR

Pillsbury Introduces Galaxy & Unicorn Cake Mixes & Frostings!

Everyone loves Funfetti.  Everyone.  And it’s been around for 30 years… pretty shocking, right?  For the  first time ever, Pillsbury is changing things up with Funfetti by introducing  two new takes:  Funfetti Unicorn and Funfetti Galaxy!

Funfetti Unicorn:  Strawberry cake mix with yellow and purple candy bits mixed throughout. Matching Unicorn Funfetti frosting is  a vanilla frosting  with purple & pink unicorns, yellow stars and blue sprinkles.

Funfetti Galaxy: Released to celebrate the 50th anniversary of  the moon landy.  It’s yellow cake m ix with blue and purple candy bits in it. The Space Blue Vanilla frosting has yellow  stars, orange moons, silver rocket ships and white  sprinkles.

The best news is that these aren’t limited  edition. They are permanent flavors!  WE’ll see them  both everywhere  by September. But  seriously… how FUN!?

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About the author


When I'm not stuffing my face with salty treats made of pure carbohydrates, I'm working out and trying to sweat out the excessive calories I ate.  I live in Dallas, Texas and absolutely love it.  This is the state that fries everything, serves 2 pound chicken fried steak dinners with at least 2 sides that are beautiful, tan and delicious. I eat tacos with ketchup, consider wine and popcorn a meal, put bacon on everything and will slap a fool if he asks for a bite of my beef jerky.

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