Found! Mint Creme Fudge Covered Oreos

Mint Creme Fudge Covered Oreos

Sorry Girl Scouts, Oreo is clearly coming after ya with the launch of new Mint Creme Fudge Covered Oreos! The Fudge Covered Oreo line is pretty legit overall, and this is sure to make a nice addition to the lineup. The only complaint about it is that they only come with 12 cookies, which is usually consumed in like a minute within opening the box. We found this at Target!

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About the author


I steal my nieces’ Halloween candy and laugh about it, put whipped cream on vegetables, don’t trust food that isn’t in a package, and worship ice cream. Chips are my favorite snack and might just end up being my downfall. I would marry Flamin' Hot Cheetos if it was legal (and not weird). Born and raised near Detroit, I grew up eating delicious coney dogs, unique pizzas, and of course --- all the best snacks.

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