Kellogg’s Peeps Cereal Review
Some things are simply better as a novelty. A kazoo – it’s fun for 3 seconds, and then becomes annoying and impractical. Better as a novelty. Giant gummy bears – 5 pounds of gummy bear means a seriously sticky mess by the end of your disgusting journey to finish it. Leave that bear as a novelty. The DeLorean – sleek looking, time-traveling vehicle from Back to the Future, but a crap car in reality. Better as a novelty. And then we have Kellogg’s Peeps Cereal. Peeps are those marshmallows shaped like ducks and bunnies that are sold around Easter. But do they make a good cereal, or should we leave them alone as a novelty of the spring season? Hmmmm…. let’s find out.
The second I opened the box, I smelled sugar. A generic sweet scent. An overpowering sweetness like someone threw powdered sugar in my face. I guess since this is a marshmallow cereal, that is to be expected. The box claims this is a “marshmallow flavored cereal with marshmallows.” That’s a pretty anti-climatic explanation of this cereal. It doesn’t excite me at all, but the image on the box, however, does get me excited. The bright pink, neon blue and electric yellow rings are coated with marshmallow bits, and there are white marshmallow circles mixed in. It looks festive and fun.
I tried one of each piece dry, on its own. The rings all taste the same – like a generic, sugary cereal. There’s literally nothing “marshmallow flavored” about those rings, except maybe the tiny bits of hard marshmallow sprinkled on them. But the bits are so small, they make no impact on the overall flavor. The marshmallow might as well have come from a Lucky Charms box – because that’s what it tasted like. It was a generic, boring, hard cereal marshmallow. This is really disappointing so far, and I’m hoping the milk amps it up to a new level.
The milk did nothing but make the marshmallows slimy on the outside and the rings much softer. Ugh. This is a seriously disappointing cereal. There’s nothing special about it, which is a shame. Kellogg really had a chance to WOW us with this fun cereal made from the iconic silly marshmallows we all recognize and love. Instead, they created a cereal that’s overly sugared and does not resemble Peeps in any way. The colors are fun. And the back of the box is fun because it’s a Peeps version of CandyLand. Other than that, I can only say that as a novelty item, this cereal is super awesome. As a cereal item, it’s nothing to be excited about or rush out to find. Some things are just better left as novelties, and Kellogg proved that with this one.
If you love Peeps, do them a favor and don't eat this cereal. It's a sad representation and Kellogg really missed the mark on this one.