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Ben & Jerry’s new Limited Batch Gimme S’more! Ice Cream

Although they’ve previously released a S’more flavor ice cream, Ben & Jerry’s is really stretching out this popular market flavor by introducing the debut of their new Ben & Jerry’s Limited Batch Gimme S’more Ice Cream. It’s a toasted marshmallow ice cream, with chocolate cookies swirls, graham cracker swirls and fudge flakes. Note that this is wildly different than their original S’mores Ice Cream, which was chocolate ice cream with fudge chunks, toasted marshmallow and graham cracker swirls. Basically, Ben & Jerry are proving that there’s more than one way to make a s’more into an ice cream.  Brilliant!


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About the author


When I'm not stuffing my face with salty treats made of pure carbohydrates, I'm working out and trying to sweat out the excessive calories I ate.  I live in Dallas, Texas and absolutely love it.  This is the state that fries everything, serves 2 pound chicken fried steak dinners with at least 2 sides that are beautiful, tan and delicious. I eat tacos with ketchup, consider wine and popcorn a meal, put bacon on everything and will slap a fool if he asks for a bite of my beef jerky.

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