Fast Food TailGATOR

Dairy Queen Blizzard of the Month is Dipped Strawberry

Dairy Queen Blizzard of the Month is Dipped Strawberry

Strawberries and chocolate…. a classic Valentine’s Day combination! Dairy Queen brings on both in one delicious treat in their Blizzard of the month — Dipped Strawberry with Ghirardelli Blizzard! This Blizzard features actual pieces of Ghirardelli chocolate embedded into strawberry and vanilla soft serve blend. Yum!

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About the author


I steal my nieces’ Halloween candy and laugh about it, put whipped cream on vegetables, don’t trust food that isn’t in a package, and worship ice cream. Chips are my favorite snack and might just end up being my downfall. I would marry Flamin' Hot Cheetos if it was legal (and not weird). Born and raised near Detroit, I grew up eating delicious coney dogs, unique pizzas, and of course --- all the best snacks.

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